7 Simple Steps To Enhance Your Guest Experience

A guest’s experience is a central component of Airbnb hospitality. There are valuable strategies that a host or property management team can put into place to ensure guest satisfaction. Below are some helpful recommendations to implement from the beginning to end of one’s stay.

Guest Questionnaire

Questionnaires are helpful and insightful - they allow you to introduce yourself in a unique way while getting to know your guests and their preferences. This grants you the opportunity to create notable first impressions that end in glowing reviews. Tailor the wording of the questionnaire to the current season and location of your rental.

Ask a variety of questions like the ones below:

  • Are you celebrating anything special?

  • Do you prefer red, white or sparkling wine?

  • Are you a coffee or tea drinker?

  • What’s your preferred genre of music?

  • You have booked with us during Independence Day! Do you celebrate the upcoming holiday?

  • Are you in need of a travel itinerary?

You want to understand your guests’ requirements and expectations. Questionnaires can be employed at every stage of the booking process - pre-arrival, during the stay and post-departure. There are many advantages to them - you’re able to dodge negative reviews and evaluate guest satisfaction to make any necessary changes/improvements to your rental.

You can upsell services like creating travel itineraries to maximize rental income.
— Pro Tip

Play Music Upon Check-In

From obtaining your guest’s music preference in the questionnaire, create an inviting atmosphere with delightful tunes. One of the best ways to make an impact on your guests is by playing music upon arrival. Either visit your rental to do a last minute check-in before guests arrive and turn on the music then or have your cleaning crew do it!

If you have a higher budget to optimize your rental, include a multi-room audio wireless speaker system.
— Pro Tip

Change Wi-Fi Password To Something You Want Your Guests To Know

This is an easy, no-brainer tip yet it’s something you wouldn’t even think of. This small detail is significant and mighty as it has the potential to embed a lasting impression in your guest’s memory. Consider passwords like “EnjoyYourStay” or “PleaseLeaveA1Review.”

Holiday Decorations

Before delving into this, remember that decorations can get tricky because you want to refrain from offending people, imposing your personal beliefs or for lack of better terms - being gaudy and tacky. Our best advice is to always take a subtle approach. Utilize a color wheel for synchronizing, as you don’t want to place bold colors representing a holiday into your decor.

Mardi Gras Decor

For instance, if you have a New Orleans rental and it’s Mardi Gras season, your home will most likely be booked with guests looking to partake in the festivities. Confirm this in the questionnaire and then have fun with the decorations! Add purple, green and gold beads, masquerade masks, feather boas, you name it, to the Welcome Gift! It would also be nice to include a concise description of what Mardi Gras is, along with Louisiana Hot Sauce, Cajun Popcorn, Pralines, anything that screams NOLA! Include a personal touch by adding themed artwork to your rental. You can easily create styles yourself on Canva. Print out the artwork in a larger size, frame it and then hang.

In comparison to having a Washington, DC rental during Halloween, where your guests will most likely be traveling to the Nation’s Capital for a variety of reasons (professional or leisure), subtle decorations like ghost salt & pepper shakers, glass pumpkin candle holders or a bowl of candy (ask their preference in the guest’s questionnaire) would be a better touch. You can even add a wreath with festive fall colors. You’re still acknowledging the time of year but you’re refraining from placing heavy emphasis on bold, biased decorations.

White Towels and Washcloths Folded On Bed

Purchase big, soft, white towels and roll them. If you’re an expert in creating other shapes (or you have a cleaning crew that does), more kudos to you. This is one of the top and easiest ways to impress your guests upon arrival. Place about three towels on the bed and two in all full bathrooms.

If you offer daily housekeeping, place a small sign in all full bathrooms acknowledging how reusing towels is environmentally friendly and to hang them to signal the cleaning crew not to replace but fresh towels are available upon request (this could be communicated by placing the towels in the bathtub).
— Pro Tip

Event Calendar With Transportation Recommendations

Having tangible items to read is more effective as people will most likely glance at it because they’re enticed by the welcome gift. Include a social calendar! You can make these on a monthly basis, outlining local, fun events and attractions that you think your guests might enjoy.

Live Check-Outs

When guests check in, they want an easy and inviting welcome, which consists of self check-in. But normally when guests are checking-out, they need assistance with luggage, transportation, etc. Look professional (wear a company shirt), ask if they have any concerns from their stay, and bring souvenir items! Live Check-Outs would most likely be helpful for families and traveling professionals.

Before your guests check-out, ask them if they need transportation to the airport or train station. This is another great way to maximize rental income.
— Pro Tip
Tarah B.

Non-conformist. Creative Director. Brand Badass. Serial entrepreneur. TLDR: Your Fav.

Working nonstop to help you think & live like NO ONE ELSE. Live OUT LOUD.


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